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Common Faults and Solutions in Pressure Gauge Calibration Work

2024-03-05 11:16:55

Pressure rise pointer does not rotate

Pressure gauge pointer does not rotate, mainly because the pressure gauge plug is not open, or the plug and the pressure gauge blockage caused by the pointer stuck, for the phenomenon of pressure rise pointer does not rotate, you need to repeat the installation of the pointer in the first measurement of the location of the calibration, in order to measure the calibration value of the pressure gauge to carry out the relevant corrections.

Pressure gauge pointer shaking during operation

After the hairspring of the pressure gauge is damaged, the needle of the pressure gauge will continue to shake during the recording and calibration process, and the bending phenomenon of the center shaft connection of the pressure gauge will also cause the corresponding needle to shake. In the case of pressure gauge pointer jitter, the need for pressure gauge inspection, for the damaged parts need to be resolved in a timely manner, to avoid the pressure gauge jitter again.

Pressure gauge needle can not be zeroed when there is no pressure

Caused by the pressure gauge pointer in the absence of pressure can not be zeroed for a number of reasons, usually because the pointer and the center shaft connection is loose, spring elbow loss of elasticity, pointer stuck, water elbow clogging and so on. For such failures, the need to repair the damaged parts, if the pointer is damaged, you need to carry out the replacement of the pointer, is the pointer can be zeroed when there is no pressure.

Inaccurate pressure gauge display

After the pressure gauge gear axle wear, the pressure pump is easily due to improper operation of the gear display value inaccuracy. Pressure gauge hairspring and plug for measurement and calibration, it is also easy because of improper operation of the corresponding disorder and clogging, which leads to the pressure gauge display value distortion, this failure needs to be repaired at the wear and tear, and the plug for the removal of clogging, to ensure that all parts of the pressure gauge is no fault can be resolved after the inaccuracy of the display value of the pressure gauge problem.

The implementation of pressure gauge measurement and calibration work, it is necessary to use professional staff and high-quality pressure gauge calibrator equipment for measurement and adjustment, so that it can be in accordance with the requirements of the standard operating procedures and processes, to complete a variety of needs for the type of pressure gauge testing, thereby minimizing the occurrence of pressure gauge failure.