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Hengsheng Weiye Non-invasive Sphygmomanometer Calibrator: A Powerful Assistant in the Field of Scientific Research

2024-03-05 11:51:25

In the field of medical research, accurate and reliable blood pressure measurements are critical. To ensure that sphygmomanometers are accurate and reliable, it is also vital that they are regularly tested and calibrated using sphygmomanometer calibration devices.


Hengsheng Weiye HSIN-60Y non-invasive sphygmomanometer calibrator can simulate the real human blood pressure waveform, providing a highly realistic experimental environment for researchers. By simulating the blood pressure data of different age groups and different health conditions, researchers can more accurately study the relationship between blood pressure and various physiological and pathological factors, and promote the in-depth development of blood pressure-related research.

In scientific research experiments, Hengsheng Weiye non-invasive sphygmomanometer calibrator is also able to compare the test data of different sphygmomanometers and evaluate the performance differences between them. Through accurate data comparison and analysis, researchers can provide scientific basis for clinical selection of appropriate sphygmomanometers to ensure the accuracy and reliability of clinical blood pressure measurement.

HSIN-60Y non-invasive sphygmomanometer calibrator can provide dynamic blood pressure simulation, static calibration, automatic leakage test and overpressure release detection. It can be used to check the performance indicators of many different blood pressure monitors. The calibrator can provide 450mmHg (60kPa) pressure value for automatic leakage test, overpressure test and pressure source simulation, which is suitable for metrology departments, hospitals, research institutes, university laboratories and so on.