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Interpretation of 《The National Metrological Technical Standards Management Measures》


In order to give full play to the important infrastructure role of metrological technical specifications in integrating scientific and technological innovation resources and cultivating strategic emerging industries, the State Administration of Market Supervision recently revised and issued the "National Measures for the Management of Metrological Technical Specifications" (hereinafter referred to as the "Measures"), which has been officially implemented on May 1, 2024.

Question 1: What is the definition and scope of national metrology technical specifications?

Answer: Measurement technical specifications are the technical rules to ensure the unity of the national measurement unit system and the accuracy and reliability of the quantity value, and are the code of conduct to standardize the technical activities of measurement, and play an important technical basis role in the measurement activities in scientific research, legal measurement management, industrial production and other fields. The national metrological technical specification is a metrological technical specification formulated and approved by the General Administration of Market Supervision and implemented nationwide.

With the development of metrology activities, the current national metrology technical specification system in China includes not only the national metrology verification system table and national metrology verification regulations, but also the national metrology type evaluation outline, national metrology calibration specifications and other new types of metrology technical specifications gradually formed with the development of metrology science and technology and its application and the evolution of metrology activities practice. Such as measurement terms and definitions in various fields, assessment and representation requirements of measurement uncertainty, rules (rules, guidelines, general requirements), measurement methods (procedures), technical requirements of standard reference data, algorithm traceability technology, measurement comparison methods, etc.

Question 2: How is China's metrological technical specification constituted?

Answer: Metrological technical specifications provide rule compliance for metrological technical activities such as metrological verification, calibration, comparison and type evaluation, and support legal metrological management and economic and social development. From the formal point of view, metrological technical specifications include metrological verification system table, metrological verification regulations, metrological instrument type evaluation outline, metrological calibration specifications and other metrological technical specifications. From the level of view, there are national, departmental, industry and local (regional) measurement technical specifications. As of the end of February 2024, China's current national metrological technical specifications are 2030 items, including 95 items of the national metrological verification system table, 824 items of the national metrological verification regulations, 148 items of the type evaluation outline of measuring instruments, 828 items of the national metrological calibration specifications and 135 items of other metrological technical specifications. The issuance and implementation of these national metrological technical specifications play an important role in ensuring the unity of measurement units and the accuracy and reliability of quantity values.

Question 3: What is the purpose of the introduction of the National Metrological Technical Standards Management Measures?

Answer: The Measures for the Management of National Metrological Verification Regulations provide a basis for the management of national Metrological verification system tables and national Metrological verification regulations. The introduction of the "National Metrological Technical Specifications Management Measures" will further clarify the definition and scope of national metrological technical specifications, standardize the whole life cycle management of national metrological technical specifications, and constantly improve the national metrological technical specifications management system to provide strong metrological support for high-quality economic and social development.

Question 4: What are the main changes between the newly revised "National Metrological Technical Specifications Management Measures" and the original "National Metrological verification Regulations Management Measures"?

Answer: The "National Measures for the Management of Metrology Technical Specifications" is mainly revised in the following aspects: First, the "National Measures for the Management of Metrology Verification Regulations" is renamed "National Measures for the Management of Metrology Technical Specifications". The second is to further clarify the work requirements of the national metrological technical specifications in the stages of project initiation, formulation, approval and release, implementation, supervision and management. The third is to clearly formulate national metrology technical specifications, except for items that really need to be kept secret, the whole process should be open and transparent, and the opinions of all parties should be widely solicited. The fourth is to actively promote the use of international metrology standards issued by the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) and international technical documents issued by relevant international organizations in order to better align with international standards and promote domestic and international double circulation. Fifth, it is clear that the General Administration of Market Regulation shall organize the establishment of a technical committee to undertake the project evaluation, organization drafting, soliciting opinions, technical examination and approval, implementation effect evaluation, review and publicity and implementation of the national metrological technical standards. Sixth, it is clear that departments, industries and local measurement technical specifications shall be implemented with reference to these Measures.

Q5: What is the role of the National Professional Metrology technical Committee in supporting national metrology management?

Answer: The National Professional Metrology technical Committee is approved by the State Administration of Market Supervision, responsible for the formulation of national metrology technical standards, provide metrology policy advice, carry out academic discussions and exchanges, metrology science popularization and knowledge dissemination of technical non-legal organization. By the end of February 2024, the General Administration of Market Supervision has approved the establishment of 43 technical committees and 21 sub-technical committees, which are divided into two categories: comprehensive basic committees and specialized committees. After long-term efforts, the Technical Committee plays an important basic guarantee role in improving the capacity of volume traceability, serving and supporting measurement management, promoting scientific and technological progress, and promoting industrial development and quality improvement.

Question 6: How to better play the role of national metrological technical standards in supporting industrial innovation and development?

Answer: The national metrology technical specification involves a wide range of professional and industrial fields, and it is a work that requires the participation of multiple parties in the industrial chain and is open. In view of the status quo of "unmeasured, incomplete and inaccurate" in the process of industrial development, around the problems of lagging industrial measurement and testing technology and missing measurement and testing methods, in recent years, the General Administration of Market Supervision has organized the National industrial measurement and testing Center to continuously strengthen the revision of relevant measurement technical specifications, and accumulated certain achievements and experience. The revision adds the provisions that the General Administration of Market Supervision can designate relevant national industrial measurement testing centers, national professional metering stations and other institutions to undertake the relevant work of the formulation of national metrological technical specifications, and further open up the channels for the formulation of industry-specific national metrological technical specifications. In view of industrial key parameter measurement and testing, system comprehensive testing or calibration problems and industrial multi-parameter, remote, online calibration and other practical needs, speed up the formation of replicable and referable industrial general methods and specifications, better meet the urgent needs of industrial testing, and promote the sharing and promotion of relevant measurement results. Give full play to the supporting role of metrological technical specifications for industrial innovation and development.

Question 7: How to quickly and easily consult the digital text of national metrology technical specifications?

Answer: Log in http://jjg.spc.org.cn/, enter the full text disclosure system of National Metrology Technical specifications, you can query the text of national Metrology technical specifications. National metrological verification regulations and national metrological verification system table can be downloaded, other national metrological technical specifications can be consulted online.